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芦秀丽 博士生导师
2019-07-17 12:30  
姓  名:芦秀丽
职  称:教授


2003.04 – 2008.03  日本名古屋大学医学研究科细胞情报医学专业 博士、博士后

1992.09 – 1997.07  中国成都中医药大学药学院药理专业 学士


2008.04 – 至今      新葡京官网 教授、博士生导师

2015.05 – 2016.05   美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 访问学者

2001.07 – 2003.03   日本爱知医科大学药理学教室 外国人研究员

1997.07 – 2001.05   北京卫生职业学院(原北京中医学校)教师














1、辽宁省教育厅科学研究一般项目,LFW201701,2, 4-脱氢胆固醇还原酶DHCR24相互作用蛋白的鉴定及其相互作用影响细胞命运机制的综合研究,2017/11-2020/10,5万元,在研,主持。


3、辽宁省高等学校杰出青年学者成长计划,LJQ2011004,2, 4-脱氢胆固醇还原酶DHCR24互作蛋白研究,2011/06-2014/05,12万元,已结题,主持。

4、国家自然科学基金青年基金,30800575,2, 4-脱氢胆固醇还原酶DHCR24抗内质网机制研究,2010/01-2012/12,20万元,已结题,主持。

5、辽宁省教育厅科学研究一般项目, No.2009A304, 2, 4-脱氢胆固醇还原酶DHCR24抗阿尔茨海默症机理研究,2010/06-2012/05,4万元,已结题,主持。



1、Junhua Zhao, Guliang Wang, Imee M. del Mundo, Jennifer A. McKinney, Xiuli Lu, Albino Bacolla, Stephen B. Boulware, Changsheng Zhang, Haihua Zhang, Pengyu Ren, Catherine H. Freudenreich, Karen M. Vasquez,Distinct Mechanisms of Nuclease-Directed DNA-Structure-Induced Genetic Instability in Cancer Genomes. Cell Reports. 2018 Jan 30;22(5):1200-1210(IF=8.282,Cell子刊,SCI JCR生物 1区, Top期刊)

2、Yang Li, Jichuan Pan, Yue Zhang, Yangtao Chang, Xiaoxiong Yang, Baoyu Yang, Xu Mao, Zhonghui Wang, Bing Gao, Xiuli Lu* ,Effects of small molecules water that may retard kidney stone formation. International Urology and Nephrology. 2017:1-6 ( SCI收录)

3、杨宝瑜,高天琦,李 洋,高 兵, 芦秀丽*, 细胞胆固醇的生理功能及其代谢异常相关疾病的研究进展,中国细胞生物学学报,2017,39(12):1-9 (CSCD收录)

4、Xiuli Lu, Deliang Sun, Bo Xu, Jichuan Pan,Yanhong Wei, Xu Mao, Daojun Yu, Hongsheng Liu, Bing Gao. In silico screening and molecular dynamic study on nsSNPs associated with kidney stone in SLC26A6 gene. Journal of Urology. 2016 Jan 23. 2016, 196(1):118-123 (SCI 泌尿与肾病1区, Top期刊,IF 5.1),被引用次数:6次

5、Xiaoping Quan,  Xiuqiang Chen, Deliang Sun,  Bo Xu,  Linlin Zhao,  Xiaoqian Shi, Hongsheng Liu, Bing Gao, Xiuli Lu*,The Mechanism of the Effect of U18666a on Blocking the Activity of 3β-hydroxysterol Δ-24-reductase (DHCR24): Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study and Free Energy Analysis,Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2016, 22(2):1-12 (SCI 计算机跨学科应用 2区)

6、Xiuli Lu, Dan jia, Ting Liu,Chenguang Zhao, Shuchao Chen, Weiqi Wang, Bing Gao,Recombinant Adenovirus-Mediated High Expression of DHCR24 specially in Neuronal cells and its Functional Analysis, Neural Regeneration Research, 2014, 9(5):504-512(SCI 收录)

7、Xiuli Lu, Yang Li, Weiqi Wang, Shuchao Chen, Ting Liu,Dan Jia, Xiaoping Quan, Deliang Sun, Alan Chang, Bing Gao, 3 β-Hydroxysteroid-Δ 24 Reductase (DHCR24) Protects Neuronal Cells from Apoptotic Cell Death Induced by Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 29;9(1):e86753(SCI综合科学 1区),被引用次数:16次

8、Xiuli Lu,Yong Zhang,Shuchao Chen,Yang Li,Ting Liu,Dan Jia,Weiqi Wang,Bing Gao,Hongsheng Liu,Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study on the Mechanism of the Inhibition of ATP Hydrolysis with Inhibitors in Human Papillomavirus Type 18 E1 Helicase,Advances in Intelligent Systems Research,2013, May 23;45-47 (EI收录)

9、Liuli Lu, Bing Gao, Takahiro Yasui, Yang Li, Ting Liu, Xu Mao, Masahito Hirose, Yuhong Wu, Daojun Yu, Qiwen Zhu, Kenjiro Kohri,Chunling Xiao,Matrix Gla protein is involved in crystal formation in kidney of hyperoxaluric rats, Kidney & Blood Pressure Research, 2013;37(1):15-23. (SCI 生理学2区)被引用次数:14次

10、Xiuli Lu, Bing Gao, Youliang Wang, Zehui Liu, Takahiro Yasui, Ping Liu, Jian Liu, Newton Emmanuel, Qiwen Zhu & Chunling Xiao. Renal tubular epithelial cell injury, apoptosis and inflammation are involved in melamine-related kidney stone formation. Urol Res., 2012 Dec;40(6):717-23. (SCI 收录),被引用次数:16次

11、Xiuli Lu, Bing Gao, Zehui Liu, Xiurong Tian, Xu Mao, Newton Emmanuel, Qiwen Zhu & Chunling Xiao. A Polymorphism of Matrix Gla Protein Gene Is Associated With Kidney Stone In Chinese Han population. Gene. 2012 Dec 15;511(2):127-30. (SCI 基因与遗传3区),被引用次数:18次

12、Xiuli Lu, Shuchao Chen, Yong Zhang, Li Zhang, Hongsheng Liu, Bing Gao,The Discovery of Direct Noncovalent Bonded Interaction between Keap1 and Diethyl Maleate through Molecular Dynamics Simulations,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,195,260-265 (EI收录)

13、Xiuli Lu, Yang Li, Jianli Liu, Xiangyu Cao, Xude Wang, Delong Wang, Bing Gao, The membrane topological analysis of 3 β-hydroxysteroid-delta24 reductase(DHCR24)on endoplasmic reticulum, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 2012 Jan 25;48(1):1-9. (SCI医学2区,IF 3.6),被引用次数:11次

14、Xiuli Lu,Jianli Liu,Xiangyu Cao,Xiao Hou,Xude Wang,Yang Li, Ting Liu,Bing Gao,Hisao Seo, Native low density lipoprotein induces pancreatic beta cell apoptosis through generating excess reactive oxygen species, Lipid in health and disease, 2011 Jul 26;10:123  (SCI收录, IF 2.2),被引用次数:10次

15、Xiuli Lu, Jing Wang, Xiangyu Cao, Mingxin Li, Chunling Xiao, Takahiro Yasui, Bing Gao, Gender And Urinary pH Affect Melamine-associated Kidney Stone Formation Risk. Urology Annals 2011; 3:71-4,被引用次数:19次

16、Xiuli Lu, Jianli Liu, Fangfang Hou, Zhenqing Liu, Xiangyu Cao, Hisao Seo, Bing Gao,Cholesterol induces pancreatic β cell apoptosis through oxidative stress pathway,Cell Stress and chaperon, 2011 Sep;16(5):539-48(SCI细胞生物学3区, IF 3.2),被引用次数:43次


1、授权发明专利:组织特异性表达的24-脱氢胆固醇还原酶编码重组腺病毒(No. 201210113722.9)

2、授权发明专利:一种以人乳头瘤病毒HPV的DNA解旋酶E1为靶点的抗HPV病毒药物的虚拟筛选方法(No. 201210195233.2)

3、授权发明专利:以keap1为靶点的新型防癌抗癌药物虚拟筛选方法(No. 20101新葡京官网平台6499.8)
